Dear visitor, I welcome you to my Extreme Deals blog.
This blog will show you exactly how easy it is to buy products very cheap and sell them with massive profits!
* 1) What you need is a unique user-name to start of. For example my user-name is "PowerSales" , but yours can be anything you want as long as its a unique name, be creative!
* 2) Click here and sign up for free Make sure you sign-up with the e-mail address you use for Paypal, if you have not got a Paypal account create one here(you need to get paid) its free!
* 3) Now you have a membership on the Chinese marketplace you can start to look for products that are low cost for you and high retail value in your neighbourhood.
Some examples can be found here:
All you need to do is find a product that seems interesting and buy it, most of the times they pay for the shipping costs!
Once you have your product of choice in hands you sell it for a big profit using local advertising or family and friends.
Take that money and spend it wisely by buying a more high end product to sell that for even more profits!
NO PROBLEM, The solution is easy!
Become a dropshipper :)
Drop shipping is a business model in which (you) the retailer benefits from selling products
to customers then ordering products from drop shipping providers. The
only thing you need to do is pass the orders to DX Customers will receive the ordered
products directly from DX. This process minimizes the risk to you, because you buy the product after it has been sold. DX takes care of the warehousing, packaging
and shipping of products, saving you money and time. Your profit in the transaction
is the difference between the DX and your retail prices of the items you sold.
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